Soal Simple Present Tense Lengkap Jawaban

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawaban
  1. We … soccer match.
    a. Do
    b. Watching
    c. Watches
    d. Watch
  2. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing.
    a. Does
    b. Do
    c. Are
    d. Is
  3. . . . . . . you have enough time to attend the party?
    a. Does
    b. Did
    c. Didn’t
    d. Do
  4. Marzuki . . . . . . . a very thick book about Indonesian History.
    a. Has
    b. Have
    c. Had
    d. Hid
  5. Does the coach of Soccer club . . . . . . . the team regularly?
    a. Train
    b. Trains
    c. Trained
    d. Training
  6. Mr. And Mrs. Bambang often . . . . . late.
    a. Comes
    b. Coming
    c. Came
    d. Come
  7. My brother rides a bike to school …
    a. Every day
    b. Last day
    c. Next week
    d. Next time
  8. I…… 5 am
    a. Get up
    b. Gets up
    c. Getting up
    d. Got up
  9. They…..some fruits for my family
    a. Bought
    b. Buys
    c. Buy
    d. Buying
  10. We…..not do the task
    a. Did
    b. Be
    c. Are
    d. Do
  11. They……us so well
    a. Know
    b. Knew
    c. Knowing
    d. Known
  12. We……a letter for me
    a. Sending
    b. Sent
    c. Send
    d. Sends
  13. I …….a letter for my mom
    a. Write
    b. Writing
    c. Wrote
    d. Writes
  14. They… so well
    a. Know
    b. Knew
    c. Knew
    d. Known
  15. We…….this food here
    a. Ate
    b. Eat
    c. Eaten
    d. Eating
  16. She…….a homemade cake
    a. Made
    b. Make
    c. Makes
    d. Making
  17. I……a delicious food for you
    a. Cooking
    b. Cooks
    c. Cooked
    d. Cook
  18. She…….a picture here
    a. Drew
    b. Drawn
    c. Drawing
    d. Draws
  19. It most…….. all the time
    a. Happen
    b. Happening
    c. Happens
    d. Hapen
  20. He often….to my gym
    a. Come
    b. Came
    c. Coming
    d. Comes
  21. You can…..fresh vegetables
    a. Gets
    b. Get
    c. Getting
    d. Got
  22. The ships…… tonight
    a. Arrive
    b. Arrives
    c. Arrived
    d. Arriving
  23. She ……a bread every morning
    a. Eating
    b. Ate
    c. Eats
    d. Eat
  24. Diana …….every morning
    a. Takes a bath
    b. Take a bath
    c. Taking a bath
    d. Took a bath
  25. They…..badminton every weekend
    a. Playing
    b. Plays
    c. Played
    d. Play
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